Clinically-Validated Stool Image Recognition
Dieta has built the world’s first mobile app with stool image recognition technology, making the measurement of digestive outcomes (poop) objective instead of subjective. The technology was validated in a published clinical trial at Cedars-Sinai.
For Clinical Trials: Collect Valuable Patient Insights
Collecting better data in GI clinical trials leads to less costly, more effective, more insightful studies. Dieta allows for better exclusion/inclusion criteria, faster trials, and smaller sample sizes by making use of telehealth and objective data collection.
The existing standard (the Bristol Stool Scale) is highly subjective and based on patient-reported data. Dieta collects objective, high-resolution data which is:
Existing Standard: The Bristol Scale
The Bristol Stool Scale is the existing patient-reported standard by which stool is evaluated. However, the Bristol scale is:
Subjective - based on patient-reported data that may at times be inaccurate
Low Resolution - leads to broad diagnoses which may provide imprecise insights when making decisions for care
Groups Characteristics - characteristics such as consistency, edge fuzziness, and shape are not explicitly measured
Dieta’s Data: Continuous with Discrete clusters
Dieta’s proprietary stool image recognition captures continuous data for more precise insights, including up to five stool image characteristics which are explicitly measured over time (top). Patients can be clustered into groups based on these characteristics (left).
Measure Objective, High-Resolution Results
Analyze the Impact of New Factors
Evaluate Subjects by Detailed Sub-Groups
Easy-to-Use Platforms
Mobile App
Dieta’s customizable Mobile App provides input & outcome tracking as well as analysis for patients. It’s convenient, doesn’t require hardware, and easy to install with a simple tutorial video. In a recent clinical trial, 95% of patients wanted to continue using it.
The Dieta App contains the following key features:
Data collection of digestive inputs & outputs
Food & Meds: what we put into our body, we fully control
Symptoms & Bowels: the results of inputs, we can’t fully control but we can optimize
Digestive health analysis
Allows patients to learn about how their digestive health changes over time
Communication tools
Patients can initiate and receive secure communications with members of the care or trial team
Admin Portal
Dieta’s Admin Portal provides all you need to know about your patients’ stool patterns. Instead of discussing the appearance of your patients’ stool with them and reviewing images yourself, Dieta’s dashboard gives you a birds-eye view with summaries and convenient drill downs when you want to examine the details.
The Dieta Admin Portal contains the following key features:
Review of patient data
Patient communication
Easy data access and export for your team in customizable formats which are easy to manipulate
Companion Apps: Custom-Built for Your Products
All aspects of Dieta’s software can be customized to your needs.
Choose which data you would like to collect from your patients. Dieta provides the ability to collect stool image data, food & drink intake, medications, digestive symptoms, water intake, exercise, sleep, and more.
Use custom styles to brand the mobile app to your organization’s look & feel
Created customized workflows to optimize the applications to your project’s needs
Anonymize data collection for clinical trials to ensure your participants’ information is protected.
Case Study: Metamucil App Powered by Dieta
Dieta has worked with Procter & Gamble (P&G) to create the Metamucil App Powered by Dieta, a mobile app to support P&G’s Metamucil fiber supplement.
The app includes:
Core Functionality: Help users track their digestive health and Metamucil intake, learn more about which Metamucil serving is best for them, ask a Metamucil coach questions about the product, and earn savings on Metamucil products
Customized styling for the Metamucil brand
The Metamucil App Experience
1. Track Digestive Health
Users can track bowel movements, water intake, and how they are feeling each day.
2. Try Different Metamucil Servings
The app provides recommendations for Metamucil serving amounts (see below). Users spend some time taking each dose and tracking their digestive health along the way.
The best way to determine the optimal dosage of Metamucil is for the user to try short periods of different doses.
For each dose, the user takes the recommended amount for a short time period (usually 5-7 days) and tracks his/her bowel movements and symptoms.
3. Analyze & Optimize
Users can analyze their results to determine which dose helped improve their gut health the most.
By default, the analysis provided compares the user’s average scores across levels to help the user determine which level was best for his/her digestive health. Individual levels can also be analyzed using the dropdown on the top right.
The following characteristics are tracked by the Metamucil App
Bristol Stool Score
Frequency (number of bowel movements per day)
Additional Information
Dieta is Secure & HIPAA/GPDR Compliant
Dieta is HIPAA and GPDR compliant. We maintain the highest standard for security, including:
AWS Cloud Infrastructure: we abide by AWS best practices for data security
SSL / HTTPS: we use encryption to assure in-transit information cannot be intercepted
Policy based access control: external agents must use an access key which governs resource access and can be revoked at any time disabling access.
Contact Us
Interested in learning about how Dieta’s platform can be a solution to your clinical needs?